Thoughts on Planet-Friendly Yarn Packaging | The Woolly Dragon

Thoughts on Planet-Friendly Yarn Packaging

Sarah F

Two weeks ago, I put a poll up on Instagram asking for your opinions on eco-friendly packaging. Specifically, how people would feel about yarn being shipped in fiberboard mailers instead of poly bags. The paper-based mailers are made of post-consumer material and are recyclable.

I expected that poly bags would win by a landslide due to them being waterproof and ”safer” for the yarn. It was actually the opposite! 



I’ve got a few thoughts to share before I start exploring the transition to a new kind of packaging in depth. I’d really love to hear more of your opinions! Feel free to send me an email at to share. I will take into consideration all the feedback I receive.

  • It is fairly easy to find paperboard envelopes that will hold one or two skeins, but many orders are larger than that. I could start using the envelopes for smaller orders while I search for something better for larger ones.
  • About larger orders: I sort of feel that cardboard boxes are overkill for shipping yarn. What do you think? Maybe not. They can be post-consumer recycled and recyclable as well.
  • Poly bags are inexpensive. Recycled mailers are not. I do feel it’s worth the cost to reduce my use of plastic, but still, something to consider. See additional note below on shipping costs.
  • International orders.  Do you international people have different needs that I should take into consideration? (International orders are currently shipped in poly bags or larger boxes.)
  • I already don’t include packing slips to save on paper. What are your thoughts on that? Fine? Or would you like to have a paper record of your order? (They usually go straight into the recycling bin at my house.)


About shipping costs:  I currently only charge exactly what I pay for postage, calculated by weight and your location because I hate high shipping costs as much as the next person.  The cost of the poly bags, tissue paper, and stickers are absorbed into the cost of the yarn, but if I switched to more expensive mailing containers I would need to increase shipping beyond the exact price.

Once again, send in your thoughts!  I want to choose the best possible option for our situation.  ( Thanks :)