Literary Adventures - January Classics Yarn Club

Literary Adventures - January Classics Yarn Club

Sarah F
Welcome to January 2022! This month's Literary Adventures book/yarn club genre is "classics". Literary Adventures is a monthly hand dyed yarn subscription based on books.

Classic books can mean may different things to different people. Most probably think of older books, perhaps those published in the 1800s or earlier, or books read in high school english classes. Classics can also mean iconic books, modern classics (defined as those written after WWII), or those which you can re-read over and over.

 As will be the case every month, my list of books will only be a tiny sliver of books out there. These specific ones were chosen because they are favorites of mine, or are on my "to read" list. I'd love if you share some of your favorite classic books, and your thoughts on any of the books here.

Book Ideas:
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde 
The Color Purple - Alice Walker 
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison

 The links above all go to Amazon. This link here will take you to where you can also search for these titles from independent shops.

 You can visit the yarn club thread on Ravelry - The Woolly Dragon Literary Adventures - or our Discord group (basically a text chat platform) to share your books and thoughts. Or, you can just email me if you don't want to share with everyone.

+++ Color Inspiration +++

I thought we'd start the year with something bright and cheery - which might not always be associated with classic books. Color inspiration for January's yarn will be taken from the Puffin Classics Deluxe Collection.  Your yarn will ship on January 7th.

(The books included in this classics collection are: Black Beauty, Peter Pan, Matilda, The Call of the Wild, The Wind in the Willows, The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Secret Garden, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Anne of Green Gables, A Little Princess, and The Wizard of Oz.)
Yarn Club Details